This is a submission to the F*ck Capitalism 2024 Game Jam!

Gameplay Instructions:

Spacebar to interact with signs and people in buildings

Arrow keys or WASD to move

At the facility:

M is your flamethrower

N is your proton accelerator

Walking over the buttons on the floor will activate the power core.

Eggs burn up but can hatch into Giger aliens if you don't destroy them before they do.

Ghosts can be overloaded with a long enough charge from the proton accelerator; but they regenerate if the power core isn't on.


The game over image is a modified version of an image by artist Travis Pitt; it was based on an invented backstory for the Namco arcade game Pac-Man called, "The Madness of Mission 6."

The graphics are mostly drawn by me but heavily based on the Urizen 12x12 pixel tilesets here on, by Vurmux: The ghost, astronaut, alien, and floor tiles are all essentially unchanged from the original. 

There are several sound effects from the original Namco Pac-Man.

The alien sound effects and flamethrower sound effect are mixed and edited from several CC0 sounds from

The proton accelerator sound is a sample from the film Ghostbusters (1984).

The proton visual effect and the flame effect are edited versions of effects by . Super great pixel artist and fantastic effects!

The Godot game engine used is by

Dialogue Manager for Godot 4 is by

The recolored monochrome portraits are from the 'Trihook tileset,' which hasn't really got a home on the internet, but this link I found should help if you want to check it out:

Inspiration came from the films Alien (1979), Aliens (1986), Ghostbusters (1984), the arcade game Pac-Man (1980), 8-bit processor systems in general (especially the 6809, Z80, and the eternal, undying, sacred 6502) and the general vibe of the late 1970s early 1980s. There was a lot that got cut in the making of this, to hit the deadline, but I really tried to make a playable game while portraying how a corporate state of mind views on-the-ground workers as disposable assets.

We're fucking human people.


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Um is there an exe version of this game.

I only built it for html5. I can try to make a windows version, if that's what you mean? Godot builds for windows, I just don't use it myself. I'll look into it!

Yes that is what i mean a windows exe version because the game does not want to work on my end does not want to load i mean.